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Список вендоров ->
Вендор: RB
Вендор: RB
№ | Название товара | Кол-во товара | Цена в Gold Piece | 1 | bless scroll | 5665 | 32 | 2 | recall scroll | 491 | 32 | 3 | paralyze scroll | 3907 | 32 | 4 | teleport scroll | 4645 | 32 | 5 | dispel scroll | 222 | 32 | 6 | fire field scroll | 1661 | 33 | 7 | paralyze field scroll | 3358 | 35 | 8 | Total Mana Refresh potion | 1296 | 38 | 9 | magic reflection scroll | 3107 | 40 | 10 | flamestrike scroll | 4145 | 48 | 11 | chain lightning scroll | 2301 | 50 | 12 | energy field scroll | 4574 | 51 | 13 | Antidotum potion | 535 | 125 | 14 | Invisibility potion | 1280 | 163 | 15 | Sentinel Shield | 1 | 10000 | 16 | Kite Shield of Fortification | 1 | 17000 | 17 | Silver Heavy Crossbow | 1 | 20000 | 18 | Kite Shield of Fortification | 1 | 25000 | 19 | Silver Heavy Crossbow crafted by pOw | 1 | 27000 | 20 | Sentinel Shield | 1 | 27000 | 21 | Black Wood Heavy Crossbow crafted by Error of Nature | 1 | 28000 | 22 | Dying Tub 6 charges | 1 | 37000 | 23 | Dying Tub 6 charges | 1 | 37000 | 24 | Black Wood Heavy Crossbow | 1 | 37000 | 25 | Black Wood Heavy Crossbow crafted by Naminux | 1 | 40000 | 26 | Mustang cooper | 1 | 40000 | 27 | Mustang CooperMustang Gold | 1 | 40000 | 28 | Mustang old cooper | 1 | 40000 | 29 | Mustang cooper | 1 | 40000 | 30 | Mustang Cooper | 1 | 40000 | 31 | Mustang Dull Cooper | 1 | 40000 | 32 | Ring +4 of Swordsmanship (5/12) | 1 | 50000 | 33 | Kite Shield of Fortification | 1 | 60000 | 34 | Ring +5 of Fencing (9/12) | 1 | 69000 | 35 | Ring +5 of Alchemy (11/12) | 1 | 120000 | 36 | Dying Tub 6 charges | 1 | 120000 | 37 | Ribbon of Saint George | 1 | 200000 | 38 | 23 Feb 2020 | 1 | 200000 | 39 | Dying Tub 3 charges | 1 | 210000 | 40 | MustangBlack | 1 | 250000 | 41 | Dying Tub 1 charges | 1 | 250000 | 42 | Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by DeleteR | 1 | 250000 | 43 | Full prikid krisi maksimal bla | 1 | 300000 | 44 | Kite Shield of Invulnerability | 1 | 350000 | 45 | Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by MadDog | 1 | 350000 | 46 | Grave Eater | 1 | 350000 | 47 | Magic Robe of Archmage | 1 | 400000 | 48 | Enamel tank (5 use) | 1 | 400000 | 49 | 23 Feb 2020 | 1 | 400000 | 50 | Santa's Little Elf Tunic | 1 | 400000 | 51 | Dying Tub 6 charges | 1 | 500000 | 52 | Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by DUBAHO3ABP | 1 | 500000 | 53 | Magic Robe of Archmage | 1 | 500000 | 54 | Enamel tank (20 use) | 1 | 600000 | 55 | Dying Tub 1 charges | 1 | 800000 | 56 | Dying Tub 1 charges | 1 | 800000 | 57 | Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by pOw | 1 | 800000 | 58 | Ridgeback | 1 | 900000 | 59 | Dying Tub 1 charges | 1 | 1000000 | 60 | Dying Tub 1 charges | 1 | 1000000 | 61 | Dying Tub 2 charges | 1 | 1000000 | 62 | Dying Tub 1 charges | 1 | 1000000 | 63 | Fireside Gathering Mustang | 1 | 1200000 | 64 | Enamel tank (29 use) | 1 | 1200000 | 65 | Enamel tank (30 use) | 1 | 1200000 | 66 | Magic Robe of Archmage | 1 | 1200000 | 67 | Enamel tank (30 use) | 1 | 1300000 | |