Зал торговли. Список товаров с вендоров.

Активные вендоры, с которых вы сможете в игре купить нужные вам вещи:

Поиск товара:

Список вендоров -> Вендор: RB

Вендор: RB

Название товара Кол-во товара Цена в Gold Piece
1bless scroll 566532
2recall scroll 49132
3paralyze scroll 390732
4teleport scroll 464532
5dispel scroll 22232
6fire field scroll 166133
7paralyze field scroll 335835
8Total Mana Refresh potion 129638
9magic reflection scroll 310740
10flamestrike scroll 414548
11chain lightning scroll 230150
12energy field scroll 457451
13Antidotum potion 535125
14Invisibility potion 1280163
15Sentinel Shield 110000
16Kite Shield of Fortification 117000
17Silver Heavy Crossbow 120000
18Kite Shield of Fortification 125000
19Silver Heavy Crossbow crafted by pOw 127000
20Sentinel Shield 127000
21Black Wood Heavy Crossbow crafted by Error of Nature 128000
22Dying Tub 6 charges 137000
23Dying Tub 6 charges 137000
24Black Wood Heavy Crossbow 137000
25Black Wood Heavy Crossbow crafted by Naminux 140000
26Mustang cooper 140000
27Mustang CooperMustang Gold 140000
28Mustang old cooper 140000
29Mustang cooper 140000
30Mustang Cooper 140000
31Mustang Dull Cooper 140000
32Ring +4 of Swordsmanship (5/12) 150000
33Kite Shield of Fortification 160000
34Ring +5 of Fencing (9/12) 169000
35Ring +5 of Alchemy (11/12) 1120000
36Dying Tub 6 charges 1120000
37Ribbon of Saint George 1200000
3823 Feb 2020 1200000
39Dying Tub 3 charges 1210000
40MustangBlack 1250000
41Dying Tub 1 charges 1250000
42Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by DeleteR 1250000
43Full prikid krisi maksimal bla 1300000
44Kite Shield of Invulnerability 1350000
45Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by MadDog 1350000
46Grave Eater 1350000
47Magic Robe of Archmage 1400000
48Enamel tank (5 use) 1400000
4923 Feb 2020 1400000
50Santa's Little Elf Tunic 1400000
51Dying Tub 6 charges 1500000
52Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by DUBAHO3ABP 1500000
53Magic Robe of Archmage 1500000
54Enamel tank (20 use) 1600000
55Dying Tub 1 charges 1800000
56Dying Tub 1 charges 1800000
57Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by pOw 1800000
58Ridgeback 1900000
59Dying Tub 1 charges 11000000
60Dying Tub 1 charges 11000000
61Dying Tub 2 charges 11000000
62Dying Tub 1 charges 11000000
63Fireside Gathering Mustang 11200000
64Enamel tank (29 use) 11200000
65Enamel tank (30 use) 11200000
66Magic Robe of Archmage 11200000
67Enamel tank (30 use) 11300000

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