Зал торговли. Список товаров с вендоров.

Активные вендоры, с которых вы сможете в игре купить нужные вам вещи:

Поиск товара:

Список вендоров -> Вендор: MvP

Вендор: MvP

Название товара Кол-во товара Цена в Gold Piece
1Tattered Treasure Map LVL1 1007999
2Stun Rune 19999
3Swap Rune 89999
4Ring +2 of Macefighting (7/12) 110000
5Tattered Treasure Map LVL2 10012000
6Kite Shield of Fortification 115000
7Ring +3 of Fencing (12/12) 124444
8Ring +3 of Fencing (12/12) 124444
9Ring +3 of Fencing (12/12) 124444
10Ring +3 of Macefighting (4/12) 125555
11Ring +3 of Macefighting (5/12) 125555
12Ring +3 of Macefighting (10/12) 127777
13Ring +3 of Swordsmanship (12/12) 129999
14Ring +3 of Swordsmanship (12/12) 129999
15Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 129999
16Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 129999
17Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 129999
18Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 129999
19Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 129999
20Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 129999
21Wooden Shield of Invulnerability 139999
22Amulet 15 Resistance 145000
23Amulet 15 Resistance 145000
24Amulet 15 Resistance 145000
25Banka Ress Jivki 150000
26Mantle of Incognito crafted by ARIANNA 155000
27Heartseeker 159999
28Crystall Katana crafted by Qattro 180000
29Earring of Immortality 1105000
30Ring +5 of Poisoning (12/12) 1110000
31Anti FS 1115000
32Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by Qattro 1220000
33Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by PeReDoZ II 1220000
34Countess 1399999
35Short Pants of Great Victory 1499999
36Short Pants of Great Victory 1499999
37Dying Tub 1 charges 1500000
38Ring +10 of Poisoning (6/12) 1500000
39Dying Tub 1 charges 1600000
40Dying Tub 1 charges 1777777
41Dying Tub 1 charges 1888888
42Dying Tub 1 charges 1888888
43Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by Man 1888888
44Magic Robe of Archmage crafted by Qattro 1888888
45Dying Tub 1 charges 11000000
46Dying Tub 1 charges 11000000
47Dying Tub 1 charges 11000000
48Dying Tub 1 charges 11200000
49Teddy Bear Hat 12300000

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