Зал торговли. Список товаров с вендоров.

Активные вендоры, с которых вы сможете в игре купить нужные вам вещи:

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Список вендоров -> Вендор: Quel

Вендор: Quel

Название товара Кол-во товара Цена в Gold Piece
1Ring +3 of Macefighting (12/12) 130000
2Ring +3 of Fencing (11/12) 137777
3Ring +3 of Archery (7/12) 150000
4Optical Mask crafted by JiVot 155000
5Optical Mask crafted by Intey 155000
6Optical Mask crafted by DeleteR 155000
7Optical Mask crafted by Intey 155000
8Optical Mask crafted by Proteus 155000
9Metal Shield of Invulnerability 160000
10Optical Mask crafted by Hot Sauce 166666
11Optical Mask crafted by Latina 166666
12Optical Mask crafted by Cosmo 166666
13Optical Mask crafted by DeleteR 166666
14Optical Mask crafted by pOw 166666
15Optical Mask 166666
16Ring +3 of Archery (12/12) 170000
17Ring +3 of Archery (12/12) 170000
18Ring +3 of Archery (12/12) 170000
19Crystall Heater Shield 170000
20Ring +3 of Archery (9/12) 170000
21Ring +3 of Archery (12/12) 170000
22Superior Optical Mask 175000
23Bronze Shield of Invulnerability 175000
24Bronze Shield of Invulnerability 175000
25Bronze Shield of Invulnerability 175000
26Superior Optical Mask 175000
27Superior Optical Mask 175000
28Crystall Katana 177000
29Optical Mask crafted by Mutter 177777
30Crystall Kryss crafted by pOw 177777
31Crystall Kryss crafted by Porn 177777
32Crystall Platemail Legs crafted by Ferz 177777
33Crystall Platemail Legs 185000
34Crystall Platemail Legs crafted by Dobriy Zhuk 185000
35Bladesinger Chain 195000
36Bladesinger Chain 195000
37Bladesinger Chain 195000
38Bladesinger Chain 195000
39Bladesinger Chain 195000
40Bladesinger Chain 195000
41Ring +4 of Taming (12/12) 1100000
42Ring +5 of Archery (7/12) 1120000
43Oil flask (15000 unit) 6150000
44Ring +5 of Archery (11/12) 1150000
45Platemail Legs of Invulnerability 1150000
46Platemail Legs of Invulnerability 1150000
47Platemail of Invulnerability 1180000
48Ridgeback 1220000
49Ridgeback 1220000
50Lava pickaxe 1250000
51Heater of Invulnerability 1250000
52Skeletal Mount 1277777
53Skeletal Mount 1277777
54Agapite Llama 1330000
55Agapite Llama 1330000
56Grave Eater 1350000
57Grave Eater 1350000
58Grave Eater 1350000
59Crystall pickaxe 1400000
60Crystall pickaxe 1400000
61Dead Horse 1500000
62Dead Horse 1500000
63Short Pants of Great Victory 1800000
64Short Pants of Great Victory 1800000
65Short Pants of Great Victory 1800000
66Birthday Ultima Online 25 years. 1800000
67Ribbon of Saint George 1800000
68Ribbon of Saint George 1800000
69Ribbon of Saint George 1800000
70Ribbon of Saint George 1800000
71Ribbon of Saint George 1800000
72Ribbon of Saint George 1800000
73War Axe of Vanquishing 11000000
74Birthday Ultima Online 25 years. 11000000
75Birthday Ultima Online 25 years. 11000000
76Katana of Vanquishing 11200000
77Club of Vanquishing 12000000
78Rune to:skype Ch1m3p0k2009 po vsem voprosam suda 199999999

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